Thursday, 28 May 2015

Data Scraping Services - Scraping Yelp Business Data With Python Scraping Script

Yelp is a great source of business contact information with details like address, postal code, contact information; website addresses etc. that other site like Google Maps just does not. Yelp also provides reviews about the particular business. The yelp business database can be useful for telemarketing, email marketing and lead generation.

Are you looking for yelp business details database? Are you looking for scraping data from yelp website/business directory? Are you looking for yelp screen scraping software? Are you looking for scraping the business contact information from the online Yelp? Then you are at the right place.

Here I am going to discuss how to scrape yelp data for lead generation and email marketing. I have made a simple and straight forward yelp data scraping script in python that can scrape data from yelp website. You can use this yelp scraper script absolutely free.

I have used urllib, BeautifulSoup packages. Urllib package to make http request and parsed the HTML using BeautifulSoup, used Threads to make the scraping faster.

Yelp Scraping Python Script

import urllib from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import re from threading import Thread #List of yelp urls to scrape url=['','','','','','','',''] i=0 #function that will do actual scraping job def scrape(ur): html = urllib.urlopen(ur).read() soup = BeautifulSoup(html) title = soup.find('h1',itemprop="name") saddress = soup.find('span',itemprop="streetAddress") postalcode = soup.find('span',itemprop="postalCode") print title.text print saddress.text print postalcode.text print "-------------------" threadlist = [] #making threads while i<len(url): t = Thread(target=scrape,args=(url[i],)) t.start() threadlist.append(t) i=i+1 for b in

threadlist: b.join()

import urllib

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

import re

from threading import Thread

 #List of yelp urls to scrape



#function that will do actual scraping job

def scrape(ur):

           html = urllib.urlopen(ur).read()

          soup = BeautifulSoup(html)

       title = soup.find('h1',itemprop="name")

          saddress = soup.find('span',itemprop="streetAddress")

          postalcode = soup.find('span',itemprop="postalCode")

          print title.text

          print saddress.text

          print postalcode.text

          print "-------------------"

 threadlist = []

#making threads

while i<len(url):

          t = Thread(target=scrape,args=(url[i],))




for b in threadlist:


Recently I had worked for one German company and did yelp scraping project for them and delivered data as per their requirement. If you looking for scraping data from business directories like yelp then send me your requirement and I will get back to you with sample.


Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Data Extraction Services

Are you finding it tedious to perform your routine tasks as well as finding time to research for some information? Don't worry; all you have to do is outsource data extraction requirements to reliable service providers such as Hi-Tech BPO Services.

We can assist you in finding, extracting, gathering, processing and validating all the required data through our effective data extraction services. We can extract data from any given source such as websites, databases, printed documents, directories, etc.

With a whole plethora of data extraction services solutions; we are definitely a one stop solution to all your data extraction services requirements.

For utilizing our data extraction services, all you have to do is outsource data extraction requirements to us, and we will create effective strategies and extract the required data from all preferred sources. Then we will arrange all the extracted data in a systematic order.

Types of data extraction services provided by our data extraction India unit:

The data extraction India unit of Hi-Tech BPO Services can attend to all types of outsource data extraction requirements. Following are just some of the data extraction services we have delivered:

•    Data extraction from websites
•    Data extraction from databases
•    Extraction of data from directories
•    Extracting data from books
•    Data extraction from forms
•    Extracting data from printed materials

Features of Our Data Extraction Services:

•    Reliable collection of resources for data extraction
•    Extensive range of data extraction services
•    Data can be extracted from any available source be it a digital source or a hard copy source
•    Proper researching, extraction, gathering, processing and validation of data
•    Reasonably priced data extraction services
•    Quality and confidentiality ensured through various strict measures

Our data extraction India unit has the competency to handle any of your data extraction services requirements. Just provide us with your specific requirements and we will extract data accordingly from your preferred resources, if particularly specified. Otherwise we will completely rely on our collection of resources for extracting data for you.


Monday, 25 May 2015

Which language is the most flexible for scraping websites?

3 down vote favorite

I'm new to programming. I know a little python and a little objective c, and I've been going through tutorials for each. Then it occurred to me, I need to know which language is more flexible (python, obj c, something else) for screen scraping a website for content.

What do I mean by "flexible"?

Well, ideally, I need something that will be easy to refactor and tweak for similar projects. I'm trying to avoid doing a lot of re-writing (well, re-coding) if I wanted to switch some of the variables in the program (i.e., the website to be scraped, the content to fetch, etc).

Anyways, if you could please give me your opinion, that would be great. Oh, and if you know any existing frameworks for the language you recommend, please share. (I know a little about Selenium and BeautifulSoup for python already).

4 Answers

I recently wrote a relatively complex web scraper to harvest a TON of data. It had to do some relatively complex parsing, I needed it to stuff it into a database, etc. I'm C# programmer now and formerly a Perl guy.

I wrote my original scraper using Python. I started on a Thursday and by Sunday morning I was harvesting over about a million scores from a show horse site. I used Python and SQLlite because they were fast.

HOWEVER, as I started putting together programs to regularly keep the data updated and to populate the SQL Server that would backend my MVC3 application, I kept hitting snags and gaps in my Python knowledge.

In the end, I completely rewrote the scraper/parser in C# using the HtmlAgilityPack and it works better than before (and just about as fast).

Because I KNEW THE LANGUAGE and the environment so much better I was able to add better database support, better logging, better error handling, etc. etc.

So... short answer.. Python was the fastest to market with a "good enough for now" solution, but the language I know best (C#) was the best long-term solution.

EDIT: I used BeautifulSoup for my original crawler written in Python.

5 down vote

The most flexible is the one that you're most familiar with.

Personally, I use Python for almost all of my utilities. For scraping, I find that its functionality specific to parsing and string manipulation requires little code, is fast and there are a ton of examples out there (strong community). Chances are that someone's already written whatever you're trying to do already, or there's at least something along the same lines that needs very little refactoring.

1 down vote

I think its safe to say that Python is a better place to start than Objective C. Honestly, just about any language meets the "flexible" requirement. All you need is well thought out configuration parameters. Also, a dynamic language like Python can go a long way in increasing flexibility, provided that you account for runtime type errors.

1 down vote

I recently wrote a very simple web-scraper; I chose Common Lisp as I'm learning the language.

On the basis of my experience - both of the language and the availability of help from experienced Lispers - I recommend investigating Common Lisp for your purpose.

There are excellent XML-parsing libraries available for CL, as well as libraries for parsing invalid HTML, which you'll need unless the sites you're parsing consist solely of valid XHTML.

Also, Common Lisp is a good language in which to implement DSLs; a DSL for web-scraping may be a solution to your requirement for flexibility & re-use.


Friday, 22 May 2015

Web scraping using Python without using large frameworks like Scrapy

scrapy-big-logoIf you need publicly available data from scraping the Internet, before creating a webscraper, it is best to check if this data is already available from public data sources or APIs. Check the site’s FAQ section or Google for their API endpoints and public data.

Even if their API endpoints are available you have to create some parser for fetching and structuring the data according to your needs.

Scrapy is a well established framework for scraping, but it is also a very heavy framework. For smaller jobs, it may be overkill and for extremely large jobs it is very slow.

So if you would like to roll up your sleeves and build your own scraper, continue reading.

Here are some basic steps performed by most webspiders:

1) Start with a URL and use a HTTP GET or PUT request to access the URL
2) Fetch all the contents in it and parse the data
3) Store the data in any database or put it into any data warehouse
4) Enqueue all the URLs in a page
5) Use the URLs in queue and repeat from process 1
Here are the 3 major modules in every web crawler:
1) Request/Response handler.
2) Data parsing/data cleansing/data munging process.
3) Data serialization/data pipelines.

Lets look at each of these modules and see what they do and how to use them.

Request/Response handler

Request/response handlers are managers who make http requests to a url or a group of urls, and fetch the response objects as html contents and pass this data to the next module. If you use Python for performing request/response url-opening process libraries such as the following are most commonly used

1) urllib(20.5. urllib – Open arbitrary resources by URL – Python v2.7.8 documentation) -Basic python library yet high-level interface for fetching data across the World Wide Web.

2) urllib2(20.6. urllib2 – extensible library for opening URLs – Python v2.7.8 documentation) – extensible library of urllib, which would handle basic http requests, digest authentication, redirections, cookies and more.

3) requests(Requests: HTTP for Humans) – Much advanced request library

which is built on top of basic request handling libraries.

Data parsing/data cleansing/data munging process

This is the module where the fetched data is processed and cleaned. Unstructured data is transformed into structured during this processing. Usually  a set of Regular Expressions (regexes) which perform pattern matching and text processing tasks on the html data are used for this processing.

In addition to regexes, basic string manipulation and search methods are also used to perform this cleaning and transformation. You must have a thorough knowledge of regular expressions and so that you could design the regex patterns.

Data serialization/data pipelines

Once you get the cleaned data from the parsing and cleaning module, the data serialization module will be used to serialize the data according to the data models that you require. This is the final module that will output data in a standard format that can be stored in databases, JSON/CSV files or passed to any data warehouses for storage. These tasks are usually performed by libraries listed below

1) pickle (pickle – Python object serialization) –  This module implements a fundamental, but powerful algorithm for serializing and de-serializing a Python object structure

2) JSON (JSON encoder and decoder)

3) CSV (

4) Basic database interface libraries like pymongo (Tutorial – PyMongo),mysqldb ( on, sqlite3(sqlite3 – DB-API interface for SQLite databases)

And many more such libraries based on the format and database/data storage.

Basic spider rules

The rules to follow while building a spider are to be nice to the sites you are scraping and follow the rules in the site’s spider policies outlined in the site’s robots.txt.

Limit the  number of requests in a second and build enough delays in the spiders so that  you don’t adversely affect the site.

It just makes sense to be nice.

We will cover more techniques in future articles


Tuesday, 19 May 2015

How Web Data Extraction Services Impact Startups

Starting a business has its fair share of ebbs and flows – it can be extremely challenging to get a new business off the blocks, and extremely rewarding when everything goes according to plan and yields desired results. For startups, it is important to get the nuances of running a business right from day one. To succeed in an immensely competitive space, startups need to perform above and beyond expectation right from the start, and one of the factors that can be of great help during the growing years of a startup is web data extraction.

Web data extraction through crawling and scraping, a highly efficient information gathering process, can be used in many creative ways to bring about major change in the performance graph of a startup. With effective web data extraction services acquired by outsourcing to a reputed company, the business intelligence gathered and the numerous possibilities associated with it, web crawling and extraction services can indeed become the difference maker for a startup, propelling it to the heights of success.

What drives the success of web data extraction?

When it comes to figuring out the perfect, balanced web data collection methodology for startups, there are a lot of crucial factors that come into play. Some of these are associated with the technical aspects of data collection, the approach used, the time invested, and the tools involved. Others have more to do with the processing and analysis of collected information and its judicious use in formulating strategies to take things forward.

Web Crawling Services & Web Scraping Services

With the advent of highly professional web data extraction services providers, massive amounts of structured, relevant data can be gathered and stored in real time, and in time, productively used to further the business interests of a startup. As a new business owner, it is important to have a high-level knowledge of the modern and highly functional web scraping tools available for use. This will help to utilize the prowess of competent data extraction services. This in turn can assist both in the immediate and long-term revenue generation context.

Web Data Extraction for Startups

From the very beginning, the dynamics of startups is different from that of older, well-established businesses. The time taken by the new business entity in proving its capabilities and market position needs to be used completely and effectively. Every day of growth and learning needs to add up to make a substantial difference. In this period, every plan and strategy, every execution effort, and every move needs to be properly thought out.

In such a trying situation where there is little margin for error, it pays to have accurate, reliable, relevant and actionable business intelligence. This can put you in firm control of things by allowing you to make informed business decisions and formulate targeted, relevant and growth oriented business strategies. With powerful web crawling, the volume of data gathered is varied, accurate and relevant. This data can then be studied minutely, analyzed in detail and arranged into meaningful clusters. With this weapon in your arsenal, you can take your startup a long way with smart decisions and clever implementations.

Web data extraction is a task best handled by professionals who have had rich experience in the field. Often, in-house web scraping teams are difficult to assemble and not economically viable to maintain, especially for startups. For a better solution, you can outsource your web scraping needs to a reliable web data extraction service for data collection. This way, you can get all the relevant intelligence you need without overstraining your workforce or having to employ additional personnel to handle web scraping. The company you outsource your work to can easily scrape data from multiple sources as per your requirements, and furnish you with actionable business intelligence that can help you take a lead in a competitive market.

Different Ways for Startups to use Web Data Extraction

Web scraping can be employed for many different purposes to yield different kinds of relevant data that generate actionable insights. For a startup, the important decision is how to use this powerful technique to provide valuable information that can make a difference for the future prospects of the company. Here are some interesting possibilities when it comes to impactful web data extraction for startups –

Fishing for Social Rankings and Backlinks

One of the most important business processes for a startup is competition analysis. This is one area where web data extraction can come across as an invaluable enabler. In the past, many startups have effectively used web scraping to fish for backlinks and social rankings related to competing companies.

Backlinks are important to reach a greater mass of better-targeted audiences, which can go on to increase customer base with minimal efforts. Social ranking is also an immensely important factor, as social actions on the internet are building blocks of opinion and reputation generation in this day and age. Keeping this in mind, you can use web data extraction to scrape for social rankings and backlinks related to content generated by your competing companies. After careful analysis, it is possible to arrive at concrete conclusions regarding what your competitors are doing well, and what sells the best.

This information is gold for marketers and sales personnel, and can be used to discern exactly what needs to be done to increase social buzz, generate favorable opinion, and win over customers from your competitors. You can also use this technique to develop high authority backlinks that help with SEO, targeted reach and organic traffic for your business website. For competition analysis, web scraping is a formidable tool.

Sourcing Contact Information

Another important aspect of business that startups can never ignore is good networking. Whether it is with customers, prospective customers, industry peers, partners, or competitors, excellent networking and open, transparent communication is essential for the success of your startup. For effective communication and networking, you need a large, solid list of contact information pertaining to your exact requirements.

Scraping data from multiple web sources gives you the perfect method of achieving this. With automated, fast web scraping, you can in a short time collect a wealth of important contact information that can be leveraged in many different ways. Whether it is the formation of lasting business relationships or making potential customers aware of what you have on offer, this information has the power to propel your startup to new levels of recognition.

For Ecommerce

If you sell your products and services online and want to stay on top of the competition when it comes to variety, pricing analysis, and special deals and offers, web scraping is the way to go. For many e-commerce startups, the problem of high CTR and low conversion is a stumbling block to higher bottom lines. To remedy problems like these and to ensure better sales, it is always a good idea to have a clear insight about your competition.

Future of Retail Industry

With web data extraction, you can be always aware of what competing companies are doing in terms of pricing strategies, product diversity and special customer offers. By considering that information while evaluating and cementing your own strategies, you can always ensure that you provide better value and range of products and services than your competitors, and therefore stay ahead of the competition.

For Marketing, Brand Promotion and Advertisement

For startups, the first wave of promotion and marketing is the one that holds the key to your long-term business success. It is during this phase that the first and most important public perception of your company is formed, and the rudiments of public opinion start taking shape. For this reason, it is crucial to be on point with your marketing and promotion during the early, formative years of your business.

To achieve this, you need a clear, in-depth understanding of your target audience. You need to categorize your target audience on the basis of many factors like age, gender, demographics, income groups and tastes and preferences. Such detailed understanding can only be possible when you have a large wealth of social data pertaining to your target audience. There is no better way of achieving this than by web data extraction.

Love your brand

With the help of data extraction services, you can gather large chunks of relevant data regarding your target audience which can help you accurately evaluate the potential of each prospective customers as a possible addition to your business family. To ensure that you have a steady, early wave of customers to take your business off the blocks at a rapid pace, you need to devise marketing campaigns, promotional strategies and advertisements in accordance with the customer knowledge you drive through your web scraping efforts. This is a foolproof strategy to have marketing and promotional plans in place that achieve goals, bring in new business and provide your company with enough initial momentum to carry it through the later years of success.

To conclude, web data extraction can be a veritable tool in the hands of a startup. With the proper use and leveraging of this technique, your startup can gather the required business intelligence to shine in a competitive market and become a favorite with the customer base. Working with the right web data extraction company can be one of the most important business decisions you make as a startup owner.


Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Web Scraping - Data Collection or Illegal Activity?

Web Scraping Defined

We've all heard the term "web scraping" but what is this thing and why should we really care about it?  Web scraping refers to an application that is programmed to simulate human web surfing by accessing websites on behalf of its "user" and collecting large amounts of data that would typically be difficult for the end user to access.  Web scrapers process the unstructured or semi-structured data pages of targeted websites and convert the data into a structured format.  Once the data is in a structured format, the user can extract or manipulate the data with ease.  Web scraping is very similar to web indexing (used by most search engines), but the end motivation is typically much different.  Whereas web indexing is used to help make search engines more efficient, web scraping is typically used for different reasons like change detection, market research, data monitoring, and in some cases, theft.

Why Web Scrape?

There are lots of reasons people (or companies) want to scrape websites, and there are tons of web scraping applications available today.  A quick Internet search will yield numerous web scraping tools written in just about any programming language you prefer.  In today's information-hungry environment, individuals and companies alike are willing to go to great lengths to gather information about all sorts of topics.  Imagine a company that would really like to gather some market research on one of their leading competitors...might they be tempted to invoke a web scraper that gathers all the information for them?  Or, what if someone wanted to find a vulnerable site that allowed otherwise not-so-free downloads?  Or, maybe a less than honest person might want to find a list of account numbers on a site that failed to properly secure them.  The list goes on and on.

I should mention that web scraping is not always a bad thing.  Some websites allow web scraping, but many do not.  It's important to know what a website allows and prohibits before you scrape it.

The Problem With Web Scraping

Web scraping rides a fine line between collecting information and stealing information.  Most websites have a copyright disclosure statement that legally protects their website information.  It's up to the reader/user/scraper to read these disclosure statements and follow along legally and ethically.  In fact, the website presents the following copyright disclosure:  "All content included on this site, such as text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio clips, and software, including the compilation thereof (meaning the collection, arrangement, and assembly), is the property of F5 Networks, Inc., or its content and software suppliers, except as may be stated otherwise, and is protected by U.S. and international copyright laws."  It goes on to say, "We reserve the right to make changes to our site and these disclaimers, terms, and conditions at any time."

So, scraper beware!  There have been many court cases where web scraping turned into felony offenses.  One case involved an online activist who scraped the MIT website and ultimately downloaded millions of academic articles.  This guy is now free on bond, but faces dozens of years in prison and $1 million if convicted.  Another case involves a real estate company who illegally scraped listings and photos from a competitor in an attempt to gain a lead in the market.  Then, there's the case of a regional software company that was convicted of illegally scraping a major database company's websites in order to gain a competitive edge.  The software company had to pay a $20 million fine and the guilty scraper is serving three years probation.  Finally, there's the case of a medical website that hosted sensitive patient information.  In this case, several patients had posted personal drug listings and other private information on closed forums located on the medical website.  The website was scraped by a media-rese
arch firm, and all this information was suddenly public.

While many illegal web scrapers have been caught by the authorities, many more have never been caught and still run loose on websites around the world.  As you can see, it's increasingly important to guard against this activity.  After all, the information on your website belongs to you, and you don't want anyone else taking it without your permission.

The Good News

As we've noted, web scraping is a real problem for many companies today.  The good news is that F5 has web scraping protection built into the Application Security Manager (ASM) of its BIG-IP product family.  As you can see in the screenshot below, the ASM provides web scraping protection against bots, session opening anomalies, session transaction anomalies, and IP address whitelisting.

The bot detection works with clients that accept cookies and process JavaScript.  It counts the client's page consumption speed and declares a client as a bot if a certain number of page changes happen within a given time interval.  The session opening anomaly spots web scrapers that do not accept cookies or process JavaScript.  It counts the number of sessions opened during a given time interval and declares the client as a scraper if the maximum threshold is exceeded.  The session transaction anomaly detects valid sessions that visit the site much more than other clients.  This defense is looking at a bigger picture and it blocks sessions that exceed a calculated baseline number that is derived from a current session table.  The IP address whitelist allows known friendly bots and crawlers (i.e. Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask, etc), and this list can be populated as needed to fit the needs of your organization.

I won't go into all the details here because I'll have some future articles that dive into the details of how the ASM protects against these types of web scraping capabilities.  But, suffice it to say, ASM does a great job of protecting your website against the problem of web scraping.

I'm sure as you studied the screenshot above you also noticed lots of other protection capabilities the ASM provides...brute force attack prevention, customized attack signatures, Denial of Service protection, etc.  You might be wondering how it does all that stuff as well.  Give us a little feedback on the topics you would like to see, and we'll start posting some targeted tech tips for you!

Thanks for reading this introductory web scraping article...and, be sure to come back for the deeper look into how the ASM is configured to handle this problem. For more information, check out this video from Peter Silva where he discusses ASM botnet and web scraping defense.
